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Berio dialogues with Domenico Scarlatti in the new album by Andrea Lucchesini


In September 2018 the album Dialogues by pianist Andrea Lucchesini was released by the German label Audite. On the album, Lucchesini puts in dialogue the Six Encores – six piano miniatures composed by Luciano Berio from 1965 to 1990 – with six Sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti. Lucchesini explains: «The combination of Scarlatti's Sonatas and Luciano Berio's Encores was the last of the many gifts I received from him. We worked together in the choice of Scarlatti's Sonatas that could be adapted to his pieces. It was a very emotional work». To the combination Berio-Scarlatti, Lucchesini has juxtaposed that between Idyll and Abyss by Jörg Widmann and the Six Moments Musicaux D. 780 by Franz Schubert.
For more information on the album, click here.