Homage to Bruno Maderna
Berio with Bruno Maderna, Hilversum, Olanda, Dutch Radio Studio, June 30, 1972. Rehearsal for the concert with Berio's Differences, Maderna's Grande Aulodia and Schoenberg's Die Jakobsleiter.
© Gisela Bauknecht
Luciano Berio and Bruno Maderna at the Studio di Fonologia della RAI di Milano, circa 1955. © RAI
Luciano Berio remembers Bruno Maderna, audio extract from the television series «Musicisti contemporanei del nostro tempo», program dedicated to Bruno Maderna, curated by Luciano Chailly, RAI-tv, 1975.
Luciano Berio, Bruno and the joy of making music (Italian version: Bruno e la gioia di far musica, forthcoming in Luciano Berio, Scritti sulla musica, edited by A. I. De Benedictis, Torino, Einaudi 2013, pp. 314-315; first edition: «La Biennale di Venezia», Annuario 1975, p. 829 (for Berio's original typescript see below).
Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna ai Ferienkurse di Darmstadt, forthcoming in Luciano Berio, Scritti sulla musica, edited by A.I. De Benedictis, Torino, Einaudi 2013, pp. 319-322; first edition in Bruno Maderna. Documenti, edited by M. Baroni e R. Dalmonte, Milano, Suvini Zerboni 1985, pp. 126-128.
A letter from Bruno Maderna to Luciano Berio, transcription of the original manuscript conserved at the Paul Sacher Stifitung, Basel; previously published in B. Maderna – W. Steinecke, Carteggio/Briefwechsel, edited by R. Dalmonte, Lucca, LIM 2001, pp. 122-123; with permission of the Maderna and the Berio estates.
Luciano Berio, Bruno and the joy of making music, typescript conserved at the Paul Sacher Stifitung, Basel.