Luciano Berio: Interviste e colloqui
Following the publication of Luciano Berio’s writings in 2013, a selection of his major interviews is now issued for the first time by Einaudi, Torino. The new volume Luciano Berio. Interviste e colloqui, edited by Vincenzina C. Ottomano with an introduction by Paul Griffiths, features over fifty conversations, interviews and inquiries held with Berio over a period ranging from the early 1960’s up till a few months prior to his death in 2003. The texts, accompanied by editorial notes and comments, offer a multiple perspective on the composer’s life and work in an idiom that is at once approachable by a large spectrum of readers and surprisingly new for those who are familiar with his theoretical writings. The constant interaction of questions and answers encourages a spontaneous and immediate mode of communicating thoughts and issues that are central to Berio’s world view and poetics, such as music theatre, language, oral tradition and music history, electronic and computer-assisted composition, musical education. The portrait of a composer emerges who is deeply (and often critically) involved in the contemporary scene, convinced of the role of music and of the musician in the formation of a better society.